Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Eagle Poem

"Eagle Poem" by Joy Harjo (from her book In Mad Love and War) is one of my all-time favorite poems that I return to whenever I feel the need to reconnect with what I believe is most essential. The secret to all of human existence and peace is in these lines for me: "We pray that it will be done / In beauty. / In beauty."

The Navajo prayer of "walking in beauty" is also along these lines.

1 comment:

Hector Carbajal said...


I believe Harjo set this poem to music on her album "Native Joy for Real," titled "Eagle Song," which you can find on itunes. I've had students study and listen to the poem in class when I taught at EPCC. It's an amazing poem/cancion. I love Harjo mucho, mucho.

Miss u!
