Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Memorias del Silencio

Congratulations to editor Minerva Laveaga, BorderSenses, and EPCC's Community Education program for publishing the third volume of Memorias del Silencio: Footprints of the Borderland. I read it on the plane ride home from NYC and could not put it down. I continue to be impressed by all of the work that goes into this publication, from the GED students writing their stories/poems about immigration and much more, to the translations, to the artwork, to the editing -- I hope these voices reach a large audience. This is an excellent project.

Here is my favorite piece from Volume II by Cresencia Atayde "Desde el sur" /"From the South".


Minerva said...

Thank you, Emmy for your continuos support.

Emmy said...

my thanks to you, minerva, for being such a great teacher, editor, and translator.

Daniel Chacón said...

thanks to both of you, for making our community a better place

Emmy said...

thanks, daniel. good to see you bloglandia.