Friday, March 11, 2011


AB Gorham said...

Hi Emmy, my name is AB Gorham and I'm the poetry editor for Black Warrior Review. I attended a panel during AWP this year in D.C. during which you read the most powerful essay concerning, among so many complex and wonderful things, the poetic line. Our magazine is currently looking for submissions and I immediately thought of your essay. Has that yet been published? If not, is there any way that you'd be willing to send it to me so that we can consider it for our next issue?

I apologize for trying to get a hold of you this way, but your email address proved difficult to find online. Maybe a good thing.

I hope all is well.
AB Gorham

Emmy said...

Hi, thanks so much for attending our panel at AWP and contacting me. I appreciate it. An earlier version of the essay I read "Healing and the Poetic Line" is forthcoming in "A Broken Line: Poets on the Line" this summer from University of Iowa Press, (edited by Emily Rosko and Anton Vander Zee). I will consider sending another submission to BWR... I see an email address on the BWR webpage that I will try to contact you through with a brief question about your guidelines. Again, many thanks. For reference, my email address is