Monday, February 12, 2007

California Poet

If you haven't had a chance to visit poet Robert Vasquez's new blog, California Poet, please do. Also check out his beautifully written book At the Rainbow: Poems. His blog also mentions that he has a chapbook forthcoming from Momotombo Press this year, Braille for the Heart. Looking forward to it. Momotombo Press publishes excellent work, and I enjoy using their chapbooks in my classes.

Here is a note that Robert Vasquez wrote about his blog a few weeks ago:

"Thank you, Emmy, for advertising my blog.

Currently, I hope to draw as much attention as possible to the AWP-sponsored petition to add creative writing to the California Community Colleges' Disciplines List. The state-wide Academic Senate will vote on this matter in April.

But I hope to post other creative writing-related articles in the future as well as promote various writers' works; in addition, I'd like to generate dialogue on other issues that affect Latino/a writers and other writers of color."

His post about the petition states: "Please support this effort to add creative writing to the California Community Colleges state-wide Disciplines List by emailing the Academic Senate before April 2007 via the following address: And please contact your local community college's representatives to the Academic Senate and urge them to vote for this petition. The tuition-paying community college students minimally deserve appropriately degreed creative writing instructors and nothing less."

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