Friday, February 15, 2008


poet_demas said...

That is a beautiful picture. Not the most creative response, I know, but it's 12:30am and I haven't been sleepy that well.

Emmy said...


i forgot to add title: the rio bravo at sunset.

poet_demas said...

I suppose what really attracted me to the picture was the purpling sky as the sun lowers itself into the earth's cradle--grave (I suppose the more morbid self would say)--and how the leafless trees reach up towards the sky, as if in desperate need of hope and faith. I think it also gets me because in all those lit classes I took, water always stood for death (natural or metaphysical) but sunsets always promise a new beginning.

Or...perhaps, I'll stick to my original comment and say it's just a beautiful picture.

Emmy said...

i like the symbolism... fits how was feeling when i posted it. muchas gracias.

poet_demas said...

you're welcome.